Friday, April 24, 2009

Impromptu Hanging Knife Rack

My roomate has bought knives that not only must be hand washed (yuk) but also cannot be stored in the drawer with all my apparently inferior knives, so I came up with this last night when I finally got fed up with seeing them lying atop the kitchen bar. It matches my jeans potholder, and it's pretty funky, so I like it. I may explore this idea further for my Etsy shop. I became obsessed with hanging things on the wall when I lived in my studio apartment in New Orleans; I hung everything from kitchen stuff to my answering machine. I have a little more room here, but my kitchen is still tiny enough to touch the walls standing still, so I do hang all the measuring cups and spoons, bowls, cutting boards, etc.


  1. ha, awesome idea. I have been wondering what to do with those extra knives that push around in drawers. Great idea!

  2. Very cute! I hope they don't cut through the tabs/point pockets!

    via swap-bot :-)

  3. Thanks, yall. nifwlseirff, it seems secure enough for now, but you're right, if I ever make another I'll put in a folded piece of metal covered with fabric for reinforcement. When I made coveralls for Nasa, we put sewed a piece of something called Armalon in the tip end of the knife pockets. Why didn't I remember?

  4. That is absolutely brilliant. 1940s British Make Do and Mend (Look Marjorie! She's made a swimsuit out of dusters!) had nothing on you.

  5. Check this out - I found the actual film:

    This has my husband falling about with laughter.

  6. Thanks silverpebble! I am watching that video over and over---can't---stop---laughing!

    So glad you came over and posted it!

  7. Thank you so much it has been a wonderful guide, now to make something out of nothing is definitely simple and easy with the help of your advice. Thanks


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